C4E FORUM 2021, 21-24 Septembrie, Poiana Brasov

We would like to let you know that we re-opened the registration for the C4E Forum 2021 (21-24 September 2021, Poiana Brasov, Romania) today and also later on we will send a broad emailing about this fact. 

We would be grateful for your promotion of the event in your networks. 

In order to prepare an interesting programme we would like to ask you if you know good high-level Speakers from your countries e.g. Ministries, representatives of National Environmental Funds etc. who we could invite for the plenary at the C4E Forum in September. The topic is not yet chosen in detail but of course it will be related to energy efficiency, renovations of buildings etc.. We would really appreciate your help here as we plan to start sending the official invitations soon and you have the best knowledge about interesting Speakers from your countries and the topics that they can speak about. 

If you haven’t yet registered for the C4E Forum, please do so and encourage your friends. 

We hope to see you in September in Romania.

And on last thing – as you probably know, we organised a C4E Webinar recently – if you were not able to participate we uploaded the recording on the webinar subpage

kind regards, 

The C4E Forum Team



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Site dezvoltat de Cristian Tismanaru.